The Garden in the Autumn
As Autumn arrives, garden hues change - greens are deeper, with bronze and burgundies now taking centre stage. After a long, hot summer with borders full of vibrant flowers, the pace slows down a little.
Here at Stoberry there are still masses of roses, dahlias, fuschias and asters. Virginia creepers are at their peak - a truly beautiful display. Plant shapes are beginning to reappear as the flower petals start to fall and different parts of the garden hold their own. In particular the ornamental grass beds are attractive with their strong shapes and forms, but with movement in the breeze.
In the Lime Walk rich Asters 'Purple Dome' and deep pink Penstemon 'Garnet' complement each other well. The lightly spotted leaves of Pittosporum 'Irene Patterson' contrast nicely with a mat of green Persicaria bistorta 'Superba' topped by lollipops of pink flowers. Tall, cheerful Helianthus giganteus 'Sheila's Sunshine' and Salvia bethellii offer vertical interest. Whilst Viburnum plicatum having flowered all summer, now continues the show with horizontal branches laden with warm red leaves.
Autumn colour is always appreciated. Here at Stoberry Park Garden we have vibrant foliage and beautiful blooms.
In the Walled Garden we have a wonderful selection of climbing roses weaving their way through Beech Arches above variegated Phormiums with red leaved, pale pink Dahlias below.